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Hey guys! I'm writing this post to talk a bit about my plans for Patreon this new year.

About rewards:

I know this come as natural after working on this for some time, but I hope you've liked how my style has been evolving this year, as well as some more quality. My goals for 2023 are offering more content that the things you already vote for in polls, at least as much as I'm able

About the dichotomy between popular characters and OCs:

As you know at some point this year I decided to decrease the rate of one popular/one OC in favor of more popular characters. 

I have now some more info about this change since I had enough feedback after a few months, and sadly the breach existent between them has just gotten worse in terms of performance. 

Also, since OCs consume more time and planning than an existing popular characters, I'm leaning towards mantaining this policy of bringing more popular franchises than original stuff. That doesn't mean I'm dropping the OC art here on Patreon, more like they will still have a secondary role, for when I feel like doing it instead of making them for the sake of making rewards of.

About Patreon tiers:

I've sticked to these same tiers since I created this Patreon support page, but maybe you've noticed that I created a new tier recently (which I recommend you to read its description since it continues the jelly octopus lore LOL).

Don't get scared about the appearence of a higher tier, since I made it as a mean for an extra general support for those who punctually wants to share a bit more with me. The cost is 20$ and the only extra benefit is my thanks and a bimonthly pack on gumroad, and means no modification to the pre-existing tiers. 

About growth:

I've experimented a big growth in social media this year, for which I'm very thankful and happy about, but a discreet one here on Patreon. It's been tremendously difficult to translate numbers from one side to another, and even if I understand that many economical circumstances have happened this year, makes me think that I'm in the need to change something.

About commissions:

As you probably noticed I haven't taken a single commission this year. The reason is that everytime I thought of opening a slot, I got distracted by Patreon work, the moment passed and then it was time for the next thing, and so on. 

I want this to change a bit, and being able to open slots every now and then. Obviously Patreons will always have priority for taking these slots, of course. 

I've been already preparing some things but I'm not opening them immediatly. I'll share more about this soon.

Your thoughts: 

I'm interested to know your general opinion about this year 2022, it doesn't matter if it's about what I mentioned or not! Feel free to speak your mind, even if it's for complaining or saying things you're not happy with, being here on Patreon or with my art.

Thanks as always for your support and have a great year!



Toda la nueva popularidad bien merecida. ¡Cuidate mucho, y felizes fiestas!


Yo personalmente estoy super contento con tu contenido y estare dandote apoyo. (Y si abres commissions y puedo permitirlo, una talulah podria caer👀)