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Hey guys! Quick update before I publish this month's polls: I'm letting you vote as many girls as you want this time as a test.

We often have ties, and I often get suggestions that get overshadowed by other waifus and I think this measure will help to solve this problem. This way you won't have to renounce to vote any girl, just vote as many as you like. I'm sure other options will have their chance if more votes were cast, so I'm trying this way this time.

I'm publishing them in a couple of minutes. Thanks as always for your help on this and please let me know any feedback you feel relevant on the comments!



Great idea!


Smart thinking


I'm glad you guys agree! It's hard to decide wich characters to include on the polls when I'm not sure what you guys like. This gives me more info about your tastes, so I'm confident this system will work better.


Thanks Obsidian! I'm definitely happy how it turned out. This way no one has to renounce to vote any waifu and gives me more info about what you guys like, specially when I'm considering to include someone again because it was very popular in a past poll.