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Hey guys!! I hope you're having a nice week. Weekend is around the corner so hang in there a bit longer!

I've been working on this nonstop since Hilda but every step got more time than usual because I couldn't get things the way I wanted, haha 💦 Specially I got stucked with the sketch and lines, so I've accelerated that part a bit on the video -_- Also Hilda's is complete, I just have to upload it to Youtube so expect it sometime this week.

In any case I hope you like this first part! Thank you so much for your patience and support 🥰 And of course have a great day/evening.




Cuuuuuuuuuuute :D When I first read this I though you were opening a Discord or something 🤣


LOL, if it wasn't because it's too much work for the time I have it would be nice to have a Discord channel for us. Thank you so much Obsidian!!