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EDIT: Lines added!


Hey guys! I've already started working on our next set, featuring Misty ⭐ I have to say, I'm very happy with the looks of it so far! I wanted to make something funny-sexy 😂 And of course my first idea was Psyduck being brain-freezed with shaved ice LOL

I'm attaching the second attire alt too, it is supposed to be a Goldeen themed bikini. It is inspired of that anime chapter where she's someone's assistant and dresses with a similar attire. I don't remember if it was a magician or what, I just remember the suit, haha

Shellder is there because it is my favourite Pokemon 👍

Anyways I'll stop yapping 😂 I hope you like it so far!

Thanks for your support! Have a great weekend everyone 💖



Jorge Lopez

My goodness your sketches alone are mesmerizing


Ase caló :3