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For those that missed the updated link, here's the new link. (Same as the one I posted yesterday about 12 hours ago (Afternoon US Time)


Key: NHPGimS-W0DD-xRirH2G6BMiqgzJHmQMkN7zryugYbY

The game break bugs came from me adding in new stuff before releasing it to you. I'm going to work on getting a more bug free release in the future. I know how annoying they can be. 




Game is unplayably buggy. Constantly get stuck at dresser at home and in missy's bathroom. Also bough clothes but its not appearing in inventory


I will try to provide exact detail of this happeneing If i encounter it again. Restarting solved the issue for now


Bought Dress cloths never showed up in inventory BUG store say sold, Tried on different computer same result BUG unplayable


I tried to replicate this error. Can you send me your save file so I can take a look and see what's going on? fapforce5@gmail.com


Hi, I dont seem to be able to be thrown out and a lot of things are broken, not sure what is supposed to work and what isnt supposed to work