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v 0.21.0 is still on track for pre x-mas release, I'm just trying to get ahead of this one and get the bugs fixed in time.

So I didn't get everything I wanted, but there's stuff there. If anyone is feeling up to it I'm putting out this "release" so I can hear what bugs you come across and I can get those fixed. 


If you come across an error or something you don't understand let me know in the comments or DM

Overall - characters react if you're wearing chastity


What you should be able to do:

1. Landlord - 1st kiss (can steal panties)

2. Eva - foot job

3. Lola - naughty massage (Can steal panties)


1. first classes of Sissy School

2. jobs should all work



The cum eating lesson doesn't count as done and ends up stopping the entire process at Sissy School. I could also notice that on day 37, the game stopped counting time, so I must have stayed for about 3 days on the 37th, but then it started working again, this also happened later, but I don't remember the exact day, I think it was the 48th


this appears to happen when you wait till 12 midnight. (using the pass time until twelve.) if you just hit wait 1 hour till after 12 the day will change if not the day remains the same.

Ryan Ernst

I'm not sure if anyone else noticed this, but a while ago, the energy boost from fitness levels hasn't been adding to energy pool.