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Some questions I didn't answer because of Patreon TOS, and some I don't have an answer for just yet, but I'm working on it. All your feedback has or will be included in the update

he needs the option to go 100% girl.

- Yes. This will be added when you get kidnapped by the cult for the first time.

It's the eternal split between open role playing (chase your own story) or play an existing story. I think the game tries to be in the middle and fails.

- I like this critique. I think when I started I didn't really know what the story was, so it was trying to be everything and ended up as nothing. That's why I'm dong so much rewrite to fix this glaring flaw. My plan is to go along the main path with many branches based on your choices.

i wish there were more animated love scene

Me too. I have a couple new animations - I tried hiring someone, but the animation wasn't what I was looking for. I'll keep looking for an animator that's pretty good that I can afford.

Personally I don't like how the transformations are handled in the school

I'll do something different. The problem is that some want it involuntary, and some want it set to a choice. I'm kicking around a setting where you choose how it occurs (Choice or spontaneously) Let me think on this to make a way that most everyone will like.

I feel like there should be more emphasis on the MC experimenting or having sex for the first time.

 - I'll have to think of the best way to do this, but there will be something. The problem is with so many choices and ways to lose your virginity it creates a lot of paths. So maybe, at least with some key characters I'll add in a lost virginity scene.

Also the story is pretty chaotic with little direction.

- Fair. I'll add some unity on the rewrite to give them some central focus.

I don't really like the fact that sorting cards,

- I'll add in a sixth job, You'll choose what you do each day so you won't have to do this job. (I personally like it so it will be an option)

more outfits would be neat...

- There will be more outfits. I've been toying with redoing the paper doll. Let me figure out if that's going to get an upgrade or not so I'm not creating the same thing twice.

Multiple Choice Paths Are Better

- I agree. I'll try to give as many paths as I have time to.

body transformation happens after what feels like 80% of the game is done

- I'll work that in sooner based on your choices. 

there isn't really a reason for the MC to do anything more than wear the chastity cage for

-That will get redone - now with un-removable chastity cage and events that branch based on your cage or penis / vagina / tiny pp

there is no reason for the mc to go through all what happens to him he could easily just work at the construction

- That's getting redone to give purpose to the main story line.

The Construction site is the first job the player encounters and it just feels really empty and unfinished.

I was saving that for the ending. There will be more in the future.


ok. I'll look for ways to add those in

The entire sissy school in general needs to be integrated in the story more.

yeah. I'll create an actual school with other students that you encounter along your journey. (significant redo)

 I wouldn't mind seeing our character fucking more guys

I'll add in some characters for that. I always pictured the MC as more of a sissy than alpha, but I guess if you can fuck girls, why now guys too (optional)




It just popped into my brain but you could use the questionnaire that you fill out on the first day of Missy's job as a path divider for whether you are a sissy by choice or force, which can guide how the body modifications will be done.


fucking more guys;maybe Dominant MC can be like Missy; transform other men,become a sissy