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I do apologize, I focus so much on adding content that I forget to tell you the future direction. 

When I started I wanted a game that had an ending. A true ending. I also wanted a game where you had a choice on how to get to the ending, so there is a ton of content that is not necessary, but I thought it may be fun.

All kinds of spoilers below

The red box:

The red box contains a cult robe that you will use to try and infiltrate the cult and gather some information for Missy. Things are going to go bad for you and the cult will capture you and you have to earn your freedom - the more sissy you are the quicker you can get free.

Once free you'll report to Missy and she'll lay out everything she has and open a bunch of cases for you (in the red box above) Some cases will automatically open and some you'll have to unlock with events. Like Daria's case you'll unlock after talking to the Landlord, and Zoey's bar will be after you progress enough with Zoey. Cheer leader after getting in with Candy. Construction after raising you level with Tina, etc...

You won't have to do all of them, but you'll have to do 8-ish out of 10-ish to gather enough information to proceed to the final case - taking down the cult. 

Most of the cases you can do as a boy or cross dresser, but some will require some level of transformation / tattoos. You'll be able to get to the end without transforming, if you choose. 

The events in yellow you'll have to do to get to the cases, but all the rest are completely optional.  Being a mega sissy slut will make some easier, but you can still do it as a straight cross dressing boy. 

I laid it out like this so you could see what all your options are and make your own path, but there's no reason why the body transformations couldn't take place while you slept and to more easily explain the sissy points. I'll put a poll out shortly to see if you want to put the body transformations back to a sleeping event, or keep it this way. 




body transformations are carried out in hospitals


I don't like this only because it's too procedural. There's no magic in it