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My artist just finished his vacation and is nearly finished with the art assets for the bar. I'm going to be working on the Sissy School this week, I didn't like how linear it was progressing so I'm going give you the options of which course to take when with a number of optional courses. 

Year end wrap up

Since it's the beginning of the year, and my second year on Patreon I wanted to share with you some of the numbers that have gone into this game over this time. If there's interest I have no problem sharing this data, it's just a bit dry.

Amount spent on art assets: $11,059

Amount made with Patreon: $3,395

New game images (characters, rooms, phone, inventory): 1,500 images

New clothing images: 800 images

GitHub Commits: 109

Approximate time spent on making the game: 1,000 hours or 41continuous days.

Sorry the update is going to be a week late. Honestly I got myself a Cyberpunk 2077 for Christmas and played entirely too much over the past 10 days. I'm going to work on the game and push an update next week.

Thank you everyone and here's to a better 2021!



It's a good thing to take some time and enjoy yourself.


Yeah you’ve earned the break. Enjoy cyberpunk and the new year!


oof thats some heavy cost of production mate, thanks for the hard work.