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2 Events with Eva

2 Events with Lola

1 Event with Big Guy and Landlord

Added Lola's Computer

Added texting options (WIP)

Added Landlord's panties if you butt is big enough

Added in Porn Star Butt clothing

From previous WIP Releases:

Added sperm bank. After 5 visits you'll be invited back into your house.

Added back into the house.

2 events in the house, 1 with Eva, 1 with Lola

Added ladder use in the back yard.

Added Super duper size butt

Pool, your home's backyard, dance club, hospital - None of these are complete, mostly just placeholders while I work on the content.

Pool characters: The girl works at the pool on weekends and the male during the week.

Sissy transformation when you sleep - this is also very much in progress.



Looks like on a new play through you can't get to co-tennant key because of the panties, is there an alternate method to obtain the key?


Can't seem to get pass the getting a bra option with Riley on a new game. Won't let me go to stall etc.


Oh, sneak in with the ladder through the back yard


I'm not sure who Riley is. Can you email me your saved game? fapforce5@gmail.com


Apologies mate. Somehow my message went to you rather than the other guy I was testing for. Wrong game. One of the problems with patreon having everything in one spot and me writing too late st night.


i cant get any event in the sperm bank ,,,, my apperence is too low ._.


Try some sexy clothing. You'll boost your appearance. If you haven't reached chapter 2 you won't be able to work there


I dont know if its normal but i seem to be in a infinite loop without any progression possible ... its is normal to have no new investigation after the incident at a dinner with the tape ... All i have now are infinire repetition of the same event at missy


You may need to progress further with Zoey http://fapforce5.com/zoey