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v8.1c WIP 


So... it's 95% there. All the major pieces are in place. I just need work work on the fight part to make if flow smoother. You can save in the sewer and during the fight, but have a save before or after you enter since I'm still working on that part and the sewer / fight saves may not be compatible. 

You can download this and play it, the actual release will only have a few minor fixes. I don't think you'll run across any bugs, but I did rush this to get it out.  The slime monster hasn't been added; I've been way to busy trying to get the entire thing to flow since there's so may variables to account for.

Most importantly let me know what you think. The sewer is a simplified version of the forest that's I've been planning on adding for a wile.

Updates: https://ff5489096337.wordpress.com/updates-2/ 



so I ran into a bug right out of the gate: after the game opening, I went to the closet and got stuck in the wardrobe view with no way of exiting it


Are you using mobile. Try request desktop site on your browser


Can't take hormon pills and Red Room in Tif's apartament not working (after entry 0 option in there, even can't out).


Fixed see post above


I might have found a bug also. Get kicked out by land lord. Spend the night in the park. Then visit Missy to get the bag of clothes. Lastly spend the night in the park again. Give up, and go visit Zoey in the morning. You get to go to bed; however, you can't get out of bed. I think it's getting confused by the open the bag logic.


Here it go again. 1) Get kicked out of house by land lord. 2) Spend the night in the park. 3) Get the bag of closes from Missy. 4) Spend the night in the park. 5) Visit Zoey in the morning. (This will go into the cut screen of you in bed). The cut screen will lockup and you can't get out of bed. I think this is caused by a conflict between the 1st night at Zoey and the Open Bug event.


Did you have a chance to download the updated game?