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So I'm never really sure what I should share with the community, and what is better left as a surprise as far as the story goes. I'll try to share the road ahead without giving away the surprise. (Also Patreon is letting me know that if I use the phrase "giving away the surprise" it thinks I'm doing a raffle which is outside their guidelines) 

The currently release v7  is going to be the last release where everyone is entwined. The Landlord, Lola / Eva, and Zoey will become independent from the main line. My goal was to slowly build you to the a big event then give you the freedom to choose your appearance. 

Going forward the plan is the story arch for each character will process based on your appearance. An example is that the Zoey story arch will only complete once you are feminine enough to satisfy her lesbian lust.  Another example is Tina, the construction secretary will only process if you have a masculine look.  

 Missy / the cult will continue to be the main story line, but you'll have a choice on the side quests. 

You body will only transform to a feminine body if you earn it (The game) I'm going to add an option to pull it back to a more masculine form at the hospital. I'm also going to add in many many more options to gain the "sissy points." The reason you have to take the hormones is that I wanted to give you the choice to stop transforming once you reached your desired body. Not everyone wants to go full boobs and booty. Once you like where you're at, just stop taking your hormones and wait for the level to drop and you won't transform anymore.

I've got to get back to drawing you sticking your fingers in your bum so you can stretch yourself and take bigger toys. 

I appreciate each of you, thank you all for your feedback and support! 



When will it be released


I like the hint that the main story will progress regardless of the form you choose for yourself. Also that you can choose along a scale of feminine/masculine, not be locked on total sissy or dudebro


is there a plac ei can download this?


Yes send me your GitHub username and I'll add you to the repo. I just uploaded today's work


Yes, depending on the story line. Some may require a feminine form, and some require a masculine form. An example is to complete the Zoey story line you will need a vagina and at least small boobs. For the Tina line you'll have to have a masculine form and a cock. And some don't care.