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I never know what to write for these weekly updates, I'm not really the social media expert kinda guy. The game is still progressing, I've added a panty scene with the twins and I'm re-working the truth or dare game now that I have the images. It's going to be less "fist in butt" and more embarrassed naked female. I've also just started on your second big case at the diner. The backgrounds are in, but characters are still being worked. The transformation seems to be working, you're going to run into your estrogen dealer  at the diner if you act slutty enough. I'm hoping to put out a little sneak peek at the end of this weekend to show where it's at.




where´s the femdom, mate?


With Missy, and a bit with the other characters. Lola and Eva are more for teasing you. I didn't want every girl to be a femdom so I tried to vary the roles. Missy is going to have an expanded line in the next release