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I just wanted to pop in and let you know what’s been going on with me and my channel. <br><br>As you know, over the past couple of months I have tried different formats. I’ve come to the conclusion that i didn’t like the lack of focus on the ten second songs channel, and I’ve decided to tighten up my format and keep it a cover channel of songs in multiple genres or styles (depending on how I feel and what song I’m covering) <br><br>I also plan on tightening up the fan favorite process, as I admit, I have dropped the ball. It tends to happen when you don’t have an in house team and a tight structure. I’m working on that right now. <br><br>I felt like I needed to inform you guys over here because you’re giving donations and I felt bad about my negligence for the month of June. <br><br>Believe me, I’m only absent because I’m figuring things out and tightening things up. I’ll be back in full force in July and beyond. Thanks for your patience. <br><br>-Ant


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