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Miku was my first gyaru. We talked for a few weeks on a dating app and decided to meet up. She was definitely as beautiful as in her pictures. During our chats, she would bully me with her blunt words and in person it was no different. I thought it was cute, coming from such a tiny and cute little girl. The tough gyaru act was cute too, so I thought.

After walking around the city, the arcade and having a few beers by the park. The sun was setting and I could see that she had no intention of going home. With a slight buzz going, I suggested that we go to a love hotel.

"HAAAH? Love hotel!? What are you some kinda pervert??" she protested.

I asked if she had ever been to one. She blushed, "W-what!? Of course I have! Do ya think I'm some kinda virgin?! Let's go right now and I'll show you who's a virgin!".

I didn't protest any further. We walked off to a broken down old building with pink neon lights. It was definitely a love hotel alright, but it seemed a bit shady. We warily  checked in and I could see that Miku was getting nervous. I put my arm around her as her body tensed up and slowly eased as we settled down in the room. 

I smiled at her and hugged her warm little body. I could feel her nipples already pressing hard on my chest. I grabbed her and threw her onto the bed. Miku yelped surprised but didn't protest. She started undressing her dress shirt and undoing her skirt. I could see she had some fancy lace panties on, perhaps looking forward to an intimate encounter and getting fucked by me.

As she lay there bare, and vulnerable under me, her tough act melted away into complete submission. I could see the glint in her eye, that screamed, "fuck me pleaseeee". I decided to tease her more and slid the tip of my cock up and down her wet little pussy. She was actually really tight. Despite what I thought of girls who are outside a lot, she seemed to have kept her pussy very prim and proper.

I enjoyed teasing her while taking in her sweet little scent. Her nipples seemed about ready to burst so I licked them and sucked on them until they were hard enough to cut glass. I slowly inserted my dick into an already gushing wet pussy. She was so tight and warm inside that I couldn't help but moan. She was adjusting to my large size and feeling stretched as I started slicing into her pussy with my cock.

"It feels so good" she uttered as her breaths started to get heavy.

I obliged and made her feel better by speeding up my thrusts, deeper and deeper into her pussy. I could feel her pussy walls wrapping tightly against my dick, twisting and squirming as she violently contracted into a riptide of an orgasm. Her pussy was suckling onto my dick and spasming against my penis that made it tickle. Her orgasm continued going in waves as her body shook and her eyes rolled back. She couldn't control the sounds coming out deep from within her. As she was coming over and over again, I started pumping my dick even harder and faster.

Her whole body started shaking and spasming as the orgasm most likely took control of her entire being. I kept going until she pleaded that I stop because it tickled. I kept going, harder and faster! She suddenly tensed her whole body up and let out a jetstream of squirt all over my body and the bed. It was so hot and supple as it gushed out over and over. Her sweet screams accompanied every squirt, in that cute voice of hers. When she was finally done, she lay there, smiling for the first time during our date. She was in a daze and whispered, "you're really amazing, ya know that?" as she dazed back off into a state of bliss.



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