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When I made that first birdo animation over a year ago I didn't even consider making a patreon. It wasn't until I made that Halloween animation last year I realized that I needed a renderfarm to deal with the boring part of 3D animation.

After a few hours I found RenderStreet, one of the best online render farms. Probably THE best if you use Blender or Modo and you don't want to use the free, less good options.

The only downside is the price; 65$/month (50$ plus country-depended-tax).

But thanks to all of you I can keep the subscription going and focus more on the modeling and animation side of things.

Just as an example: That Bowser/woman blowjob animation has a total render time of 2 days and 14 hours, but since they render 3 frames at a time and their set-up is waaaay faster than mine, it only took around 20 hours. On my computer it would've taken almost a week of nothing but rendering 24/7. And to top it all I had to render it several times to fix errors I made but didn't catch in time. That animation wouldn't even be possible without RenderStreet, and more importantly, You guys.

^That's how many times I had to render it to get it all right^

To be completely honest; I never thought this patreon would go anywhere. So a massive Thank You to you all for proving me wrong. And I promise I'll do whatever I can to not let you down.


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