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The Panty Bear is officially over.


That felt really friggin’ weird to write.

Obviously it’s hard to put into words the emotions both of us are going through currently. We’re happy to have seen it through and sad to see it go, you know? We originally started creating this comic back in 2018 because we wanted to make a story like those we grew up loving. One that was funny, but badass, and while not taking itself too seriously, could become very serious at the drop of a hat.

First came the stuffed animals, then the panties. Once we had the idea for the Panty Mafia it was off to the races and we had the first iteration of the script finished in a month. It went through too many revisions to count, but seeing it here, three years later, finished...

...Again, it’s hard to put into words.

From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to thank you all. Your support here, on the Patreon, on Discord, on Twitter, on Twitch--it’s been incredible and inspiring. There was a time where we considered quitting the series all together, and without you all backing us up(and some serious motivation from Korchup, the homie) we probably would have and definitely would have regretted it.

As for the future, one thing is certain: we’re sticking around.

We’re going to keep posting on Twitter. We’re going to keep our Patreon going. We’re going to keep streaming and interacting with y’all in our Discord. And we’re definitely going to keep making comics.

While we have nothing to announce at the moment, we’re always working on things and will update here whenever anything big happens. If you want to keep up with us daily, I’d recommend joining the Discord(https://discord.gg/2SShm4a) as Scott and I are always around. We also stream every Thursday on Twitch(https://www.twitch.tv/bryceandscott) if you want to hear us ramble nonsensically with our art buddies.

Anyway, I guess that’s it. Thanks for an incredible two years, and we hope to be back with more stories soon <3




I feel like Admiral Hood at the end of Halo 3, finding it difficult that Chief is gone. This comic has been a hell of a fun ride and it’s hard to believe it’s ended, but I’m looking forward to what y’all make next. Until then

Michael Alvarez

I gonna miss these guys , this was. One hell of a treat