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The lights above Lux were blinding, the sand beneath her feet was scorching, and the air around her hung heavy with the tension of the looming battle. She tried ignoring the fact that she was already sweating, clothes soaked to her skin, but the screeching of a raucous crowd cheering solely for her demise made that difficult.

After agreeing to the battle, she had been taken here, to this arena. Apparently it had seen a fair few battles and a fair few less repairs—the walls were littered with cracks, stone chipped into jagged edges. It resembled the ancient kind of Coliseum that Jess had always told her about, a place where the weak were pitted against the mighty to entertain the masses.

Except it was less a weak versus mighty situation and more a loved versus hated situation. Those raving lunatics in the crowd? They were the same people she’d just beat to hell. Some hurled insults, others hurled stuffing. Most just booed every time she took a breath.

Don’t let it get to you, Lux. If you were willing to beat their ass in a penthouse suite you should be willing to beat their ass here.

If she couldn’t, then how the hell was she going to go up against Blowhole?

The two bears stood across the arena, huddled together so that they could discuss “strategy”—Lux assumed this meant that they were trying to figure out the best insults they could throw at her. She crouched in front of the wolves, scrubbing their heads.

“When the fighting starts, I want you two focusing on Bon, okay? Keep him distracted while I go after Kern, and only come to help me if I call for you. Understand?”

The wolves nuzzled their heads into her shoulders to show they did, and she hugged them tight. Their willingness didn’t do much to ease her nerves, nor did the blunt she was toking. When she stood up, her hands still shook and her fingers still trembled because the stage that had been set, battling here in front of all this people, wasn’t what she had planned.

I wanted revenge, not a spectacle.

Just further proof that while this meant everything to her, it meant nothing to them.

“You just gonna stand there blah blah blahing all day, girlie?” Bon said. “BTW, you totally fuck those dogs, don’t you?”

“They’re wolves,” Kern said.

“Same difference.”

“If it’s a difference, then it can’t be the same, idiot.”

I need to focus up and remind myself why I’m here.

But every image of Jess’ decapitated head that she conjured up only got her more pissed at Blowhole. These were the two who made the order and were responsible but he was the one her mind was fixated on because he was the bastard who had did it. Anyone can disobey an order. But to follow through on something so heinous and be proud of it?

Jess cherished that blunt, and he was using it to cause ruin!

That’s what I need to drive me forward. Anger. Rage. But towards THEM!

“Bon, Kern,” she said as Lux sucks chants began raining down. “Before we battle, I’ve gotta ask you a question.”

“Yeah? Is it about why your ass is so goddamn flat?” Bon said. “Because sorry, I don’t have an answer for that. If there’s a god, you must’ve done something to piss him off. Probably existing. Actually, definitely existing.”

“I want to know why you did it.”

“Why we did what?” Kern asked. Then he nodded as if everything was coming together. “Ah, I see. You wanna know why we attacked the Blazers, don’t you?”

“Was it just for our weed? Our powers? But if so, then why kill Spike? Why bring the Greasers into this whole mess?”

“You want the honest answer?” Kern asked. “’Cuz you ain’t gonna like it.”

Bon just chuckled like someone told a funny joke and she missed it. “Why does anyone do anything, idiot? Because we could. Because nobody’s going to stop us. When you’re the big bully on the playground, what do you do? You let the other kids know who’s boss, even if you gotta hurt a few of them.”

“We made you an offer,” Kern said.

“No. You didn’t. You mocked us, then hunted us down and killed us.”

Bon made finger-guns and pretended to fire at Lux. “Pew, pew. Pew, pew. Know what I think?” He strode toward her, ground cracking beneath his feet as blue streaks of lightening tore through the air. That energy only grew as his panties transformed into a skimpy lingerie outfit which clung tight to his skin and made it awkwardly bulge. “Ding, dong, the bitch is dead, the bitch is dead. Ding dong, her kid’s seeing red, kid’s seeing red.

Kern transformed next. “Ding dong, it’s time to put her to bed, put her to bed.

Their harsh words had done exactly what she wanted and ignited a fire underneath her.

Flexing her muscles, she transformed as well, and their auras of energy butted heads, sparking as they jockeyed for position. As if to show what she was up against, the bears both let their energy’s flair up and push hers back.

Enough wasting time. Lux charged forward, fist reared back and aimed straight for Bon’s ugly mug. Her wolves did the same. But then, at the last second, she flung herself to the side and slammed her fist into Kern’s gut, sending him soaring across the arena and into one of the walls which he hit with a solid thud.

Bon tried yelling something about his brother being an idiot, but his words were drowned out by screams as one of the wolves overtook him, ripping a chunk out of his arm and sending him sprawling onto his backside as he beat furiously at them. “What the shit! What. The. Shit!”

He managed to shrug the first one off, kicking it in the head, but he wasn’t prepared for the second one, which dove from behind and sunk it’s teeth into the top of his head. Lux had always suspected Kern was the one who handled the Panty Mafia’s dirty work, but Bon’s screeching was totally lame.

Kern had peeled himself off the wall and now stood back on his feet, glaring at her as a parade of boos rained down. He cracked his neck and smirked like he was ready for a real fight. “You think you’re tough, dontcha?”

Then, before she could blink, he appeared in front of her, and while she tried blocking his first strike, a heavy overhand wallop, it was too fast, got her square on the cheek, and sent her soaring backward. With a flip she caught herself, though, digging her heels into the sand. She looked up just in time to dodge his next strike, a sweeping kick that would’ve taken her head off, and throw a punch back that left him reeling.

He retaliated with a furious onslaught of strikes. She avoided what she could and ate what she needed to eat before slipping behind him and landing an elbow to the back of his head. If he were human, that would’ve broken skin. Instead it just dropped him onto his butt, little birdies flying above his head.

“These. Fucking. Things!” Bon yelled, kicking and screaming and thrashing about as he tried to fight off the wolves. “They. Are. Fucking. Relentless!”

Kern looked back at his brother, and in that split second Lux too a heavy hit off her blunt and snapped her fingers, causing one of the wolves to appear behind him. The second he jumped back to his feet, it bit him hard on his ass. “Son of a bitch!” he yelled. “Son of a bitchy, bitch, bitch!

Lux charged forward and threw another punch, but he was quick enough to catch this one. An even exchange occurred next, with much dodging and punching and dodging and punching. Finally, once they both realized how fruitless their exchange had been, they jumped back from each other.

The crowd was struck silent, unable to believe what they were seeing.

Bon, who had finally managed to break free from the wolf that was assaulting him, tried to rush forward. Tried. The second one appeared in front of him and bit him straight in the groin.


“Your brother’s having a tough time,” Lux said, looking at Kern. “I’m surprised to see you’re breathing so heavy. But, then again, you look surprised as well.”

“It’s been a long time since I fought someone as strong as you,” he said. “You barely know how to use those goddamn panties, but that blunt? That goddamned blunt doesn’t make any sense.”

“You need to think about the fact that Blowhole’s got one of these too, and it’s even stronger.” She blew one, two, three smoke rings into the air. “He was able to combine his powers. To meld the panties with Jess’ Twin Snakes. I can’t do that shit, but trust me, I’ve seen the ruin it causes.”

Kern stood up straight, thinning his brow as he glared at her. “You’d really be willing to work with us? After everything that happened? Everything we’ve done?”

“I have to. It’s the only way his dumbass dies. But when he dies? Then it’s fair game—Panty Mafia versus Blazers and Greasers. We’ll have ourselves a proper war.”

The bear chuckled as his brother shrieked once again. The wolves were stepping on him now and he couldn’t decide if he liked it or not. “I guess, in a way, we did something beautiful. Brought together two gangs who had spent years despising each other. Brings a real tear to my ear.”

This chumminess was making her sick to her stomach. “You didn’t help shit. You’re both goddamned monsters.”

Kern’s face softened in a surprising way as he nodded. “I won’t deny that.”

Just then there was a huge boom that rattled the entire place. It shook the walls, causing dust to fall from the ceiling, and brought the crowd to their feet in the worst way. Two more came quickly. One sent spiderweb cracks up the wall and giant pieces of stone into the stands. As panic ensued, Cy’s face popped into Lux’s mind, and she wondered if her shunning him had led to this. Had he attacked the castle assuming something bad had happened to her?

She put her head to the headpiece. “Cy? Are you there? Cy?

Only static responded, though. Until…

Never thought I’d see the bastard bears and bastard girl working together.




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