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Heya, everyone!

So, it’s time for a little bit of real-talk.

First off, we’d like to thank y’all for your support over the past two years(!!). We never imagined anyone would like our goofy story about a girl, her panties, and a stuffed animal mafia so much, and so to have 3k+ subscribers...well, it means more to us than we could ever put into words. We love all of you dearly, and hope our stories continue to bring you joy.

That being said, Chapter Twelve will be the final chapter of The Panty Bear.

I know it’s probably weird to read that. Trust me, it was weird typing that out. But when we originally created The Panty Bear, we only ever intended for it to be one book. A one-and-done series about Lucia and her quest to get Bon off her ass. This doesn’t mean we won’t ever revisit the series in the future, but, as of right now, we feel we’re heading to a good conclusion and don’t think we have any of this story left to tell.

That being said, this doesn’t mean we’re going to disappear once it’s done. We’re already in the midst of working with another artist on a different comic that we’re hoping to reveal by the end of the year, and have a few others on the “shelf” that we’re currently trying to figure out plans for. Also, we’ll likely be doing a Panty Bear Kickstarter sometime this year to get physical copies of the story made! We will update about all of this here when we have more to say.

Also, we’d like to make clear that TPB ending will have no effect on our Patreon, our Discord, our Twitch, etc.

Once again, thank you for all the support. Making comics has always been our dream, and because of y’all, it’s becoming reality <3



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