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The Ones discuss candy, the All-Star game, and what cities have the top sports teams.



As a Philly person, local support is fanatical and borderline unhinged but it doesn’t carry outside the area in the same way as other cities teams

Nick C.

Carl was 100% on the money naming the Raiders as a Top 5 NFL team. I don't care if they've moved half a dozen times and have been up and down for years, they just have a look and an attitude that says "FOOTBALL". Also, to Hayes' Pats-Warriors comparison, I'd say that the Pats are the Bulls. An afterthought of a team that, for a decade-plus, put together the complete package. The league's best player, the best supporting squad, the best coaching, multiple championships - and then, in an instant, it all fell apart and they returned to irrelevance. But what they accomplished in that span is going to keep them in the public consciousness for ages. (But this is also an age bias thing; I have no idea if a person born after, like, 1996 would understand just how dominant the Bulls were.)