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Carl, Greg, and Ryan discuss this crazy week in football before Carl locks in his picks.




Loved that very short moment where Greg felt like a genius for putting together that Sean + Hayes = Sean Hayes. Also, I lost my house betting the Carlay last week but will be betting my second house this week to try and get the first one back


They knew the rematch of Alabama Texas would be the best for ratings. Pretty much all that matters. As a gator fan I couldn’t be happier to see GA and FSU out of the playoff, but they def got snubbed.


Im an FSU alum, FSU HAD to be in over the other 2, that was a crazy snub, Bama needed 4th and 31 to beat Auburn. After steaming for days, Im sure they wouldve left us out with Travis and even if UGA had beaten Bama. Who cares if they would be underdogs to all teams, they had to give them a shot. The Orange Bowl is going to have like 10 players per team missing the game for the draft/transfer portal