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Donald McCoy

Having a whiskey for Karl 👍


I’m sure you have looked into it already but after watching Go Off Kings and others on twitch for a little over a year now, its by far the best for streaming live/gaming and such. This isn’t a comment on the quality of these streams at all, they’re great and I’m loving them. I’m more saying on your end Kevin/Carl, it seems much more streamlined and accessible rather than having to use youtube and patreon to get the word out and other logistical things. That being said, OBS and whatever has its own learning curve and I don’t know a damn thing about what you guys got going and need behind the scenes so I’m sorry if this comes off as annoying. As someone who couldn’t picture liking twitch maybe like 2 years ago, it’s become my favorite platform by far in many ways. The interaction between people in the chat:chat and chat:streamers and streamer:streamer seems streamlined as well as being able to do silly shit like sound drops and whatever that I feel like Carl would love. I’ll shut my ass up though because I’m loving these and know you know more than I do, just curious what your thoughts were for the future or something. ✌🏻❤️


Kevin here. Twitch is great, I used it a lot in 2020-2021. The biggest problem I'm coming across with it is I don't see a way to have unlisted streams on there. We don't want the streams to be public/searchable so until Twitch has a way to do unlisted streams we're probably going to be sticking with YouTube.