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Carl and Ahsohn answer listener questions about improv fails, charming your way out of bad situations and trends in music production.



Carl and Ahsohn answer listener questions about improv fails, charming your way out of bad situations and trends in music production.



you know what my least favorite production trend is. when a movie/tv show demonstrates that reality has changed or the laws of physics are messed up by having someone open a door in their inner-city apartment and the other side is a bucolic, rolling green field with trees and a river and mountains in the distance. two different shows had that same scene in them just last month (Sandman and Westworld). it’s like writers can’t think of any other way to have a “things are weird now!!” moment


For SOME ppl, there def seems to be this weird subconscious inability to give black ppl their flowers. It always comes off like they’re tired of black people getting praised, so they roll their eyes and hit the “what about’s”. It’s very transparent.