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Carl and Ahsohn discuss the NBA Finals, MLB, and NHL.


CCHC 154: Specialty Players

Carl and Ahsohn discuss the NBA Finals, MLB, and NHL.



I'm a soccer guy but I can understand why people don't like it if they didn't grow up with it. It's the most popular sport in the world for a reason though.


I absolutely love baseball, but I entirely get why people find it boring. I'm a stats nerd and it certainly scratches that itch for me. IMO it's the most "old school mentality" sport as far as the higher ups and owners go. They also have the most inept commissioner of all the major sports in Rob Manfred. That dude just doesn't know what the fuck is up. I think universal DH does make the game more exciting, and I like the man on 2nd base to start extra innings as a way to add excitement, but that's def not enough to get the casual fans blood pumping.