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Carl and Ahsohn discuss Ahsohn’s drip to Arizona, theme songs, and check in on the What’s The Scenario responses.


CCHC 69: What’s the Scenario? Part 3

Carl and Ahsohn discuss Ahsohn’s drip to Arizona, theme songs, and check in on the What’s The Scenario responses.



Scenario: you have a 4 hour drive for a work thing with a coworker you don’t know that well, but kind of have a crush on (the teauxs are teauxing) and you’re riding shotgun so you are responsible for the aux cord. You want to impress them with your musical knowledge and taste, but when you ask them what music they listen to they say “oh I don’t listen to music” You’re reeling from how insane that is and not sure if it’s a dealbreaker but it’s 4 hours and you can’t have silence…what song do you put on?

Yorch C

I'm gunna jump in and answer this - I'd play four hours of YouTube ASMR videos


Scenario: You have six months to live, and decide to go out with a bang! You look at your bucket list, and at the top of the list, you see "Commit Massive Tax Fraud". A bit weird, but hey, who are you to argue with the list (sorry, but "travel everywhere" is #10 on the list. Choices 1-9 is Tax related, you were drinking a lot of NyQuil when making it). So, you sit down, and just have a hell of a fun time making up every detail on your tax form. 10 kids? Yup! No Deductions? Hell Yeah! 100K tax return? Oh yeah! IRS ain't got nothing on you! What song are you blasting while doing this.