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Carl and Ahsohn discuss exposing yourself to opposing opinions.


CCHC 51: Gumking

Carl and Ahsohn discuss exposing yourself to opposing opinions.


Devon Sheridan

Great ep! Reminded me a lot of the convos I have with friends/family on this sticky subject of new media and political discourse. Sad how this subject can make even the angelic TFO comment section go up in flames.


And nothing you claim to stand for, and so far on the side of shutting down everything that doesn’t conflate yourself that you’re as terrible as Rogan and the worst on the right. You’re not an ally, and you aren’t woke, just a cunt


Cat got your tongue, you garbage human. Stop pretending you give a shit about trans rights.


Reddit the place to go when you need karma to validate your thoughts, and it becomes currency, and a cycle of being a social parasite emerges.


You have autonomy, Reddit is where you go when you need a bandwagon to vacuum your ego