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Hello to all our beloved Ballers/Brawlers. This month's livestream will be occurring Wednesday, December 30 at 7:00 PM PST. The guys will probably be watching the Blazers vs Clippers game so if you have NBA TV handy, you can watch along.

Join us on Zoom to participate in the chat: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84986212768

I'll also be posting a youtube link once the stream starts for anyone that doesn't want to join on Zoom. 

Baby New Year



This will be my first Flagrant video stream (and my first large Zoom meeting as a participant), so I would like to know: what is the mic/cam expectation for the audience. I have to assume that we will be muted, but do people generally join with a camera, or not? Just curious if I will get to see y'all.


Our streams are a Zoom webinar as opposed to a standard Zoom meeting, which means that by default everyone is set to chat only, so that's mostly how everyone can interact with the guys. BUT we do occasionally give folks camera and mic access to say hi/show off their pets/etc, so definitely let em know if you wanna say hello. I think it's always fun to get to see people so I try and promote it as much as I can


Andy please have the guys discuss the Chris Paul commercial where he acknowledges he must be in a commercial but then is confused at who the spokesman could possibly be talking to