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The Ones decided to keep the Michael Jordan bus rollin with another documentary about the big man himself. Hear how the doc was saved by a very enthusiastic realtor



The spelling thing happens to me too frequently. Yesterday while writing an email I couldn’t get “unnecessary” close enough for spell check to figure out what I wanted to say and ended up going with superfluous, which I nailed first try.


This is somewhat in the spirit of the spelling thing: Growing up in the Canadian pacific north west, we were taught about aboriginal Haida culture in early elementary school. So in grade 2 or so, I learned about that culture, and also the concept of couches with pullout beds inside them. My 6-7 year old brain filled in the spelling of these products as "Haida beds". For 25 years, this is how I thought it was named and spelled, always somewhat-confused why the connotation with the Haida people, but never asked out loud. That is until I finally saw "Hide-a-bed" spelled out 2 years or so ago and felt VERY stupid.