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Hi folks, if you'd like, please join us for this month's second stream this Monday September 30 at 9:00 PM (PST).

Also: We discussed it internally, and decided to scale back to one stream a month for the Brawlers/Shot Callers tier.

As you probably noticed, it's been a struggle to schedule 2 streams a month, which often leads to them being last-minute and sloppy. One stream a month starting October will allow us to focus our efforts on a single stream that's more pre-planned and hopefully more fun for everyone. We're even planning to do some field trips to the court so you can see the famous flagrant jumpshot live. And hopefully at a much more reasonable hour that doesn't exclude our East Coast listeners (we love you). Once the season gets going it's likely we'll also do some bonus streams during games as well.

Don't say it enough, but huge thanks to everyone in these higher tiers for your support. You all are true angels that I can and will die for. We are in love with you and have tattooed all your names on our chests



Didn't know you did two a month 🤣. Release an audio show a week and we'll be good


Thanks for this! I agree with Samuel up there that some more interactivity would be fun. Meantime, I've gotta ask you not to die on our behalf, please and thank.