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There is a walkthrough in the root folder, as in, the folder the exe. is in.

EDIT: Save 60 has all the routes activated (Yet, only the Ursula Romance Route).

Save 40 has none of the routes activated

Only consult it (The Walkthrough) if you are stuck, as it may contain spoilers depending on where you are in the update.

But one note from it that is very important I will now say here:

As mentioned, this version gives you the ability to save during cutscenes by pressing "ESC". Just let the textbox display its text, then hit "ESC", because after you exit the menu, the game starts with the new textbox.

That is it ^^

Click here if above link does not work

Or copypaste below into a new tab


Enjoy the conclusion!



2.91 GB file on MEGA



Hey have a small question do old saves work

Disciple of Virginia

Should work. Just make sure you use my config.rpgsave and global.rpgsave. Or it might be the other way around lol.

