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Here you can see the layout of this place. The hexagon (This is what it is called hopefully) is where Irma and Mr Grant live and work. The are highlighted in red is the vampires domain. The part in light green is The Pigs, and the blue montains (Stygglandet) is where Ylva grew up. And north of it, is the witches lands. Bloksberg is their biggest city, and where Chloe is from.

The forest to the north, I havent decided yet if it connects Blåkulla with the Meadowlands.

There are some details to hash out, and some areas that are empty as of now.

But the ones pertaining to Autumn Boulevard as you can see are laid out. This map will become important to the prequel. I have also made a map of Ledgetown and the surrounding areas.

That is all for now, take care ^^





Virginia will make a own Game about Blakulla COPIUM


when is is it gonna be releast

Disciple of Virginia

the first version of the prequel sometime this year. Next version of Autumn is hard to say, as I need to finish writing the final update for it before making an alpha release