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I worked so hard yesterday, that I forgot to post, so sorry about that lol. So this will be about the current states of all games and projects.

Autumn Boulevard

I am approaching the release of the full one. Beta players have said it was all good, so I will just push through. After the final release, I will sit down and first finish writing update v0.5 of "Of Birds and Bees" (More on that below), before writing v1.6 and v1.7 back to back of Autumn Boulevard. The reason I want to finish Autumn Boulevard as soon as possible, is that I want to feel I have time to make the story justice, as well as move on to other projects. But as you know, v1.7 is the final update, and the end of Sylvessa's story.

Of Birds and Bees

I am doing good progress, my updated laptop can now render complexer animations overnight (180 frames my dudes/dudettes). I have finished writing about 50% of that update, I do not have enough renders to come close to an Alpha right now. But after I have released v1.5 of Autumn, this will change quickly.

The Onryo Game

I did a playtest behind closed doors, and the feedback was positive. There were some smaller errors I need to fix. Since 2d art takes its time to draw, its hard to say when the release will be, but Neon has less than five images left to draw.

All in all, I want to wrap up Autumn Boulevard so I can move on to other projects, while simultaneously take the necessary time to give Sylvessa's story justice.

This is all for now, take care ^^
