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As previously stated, Amy will be the one who goes through the bimbofication. So Melanie will not go through it, because Melanie is the main character, and it is extremely complicated to do the bimbo content in a new way if it would happen to Melanie.

So, the main difference between the bimbofication route in Of Birds and Bees and the one in Autumn Boulevard, is that Amy will go through the bimbofication completely voluntarily. There will be mind break, and corruption this time around. Something many of you felt was lacking in the Bianka Route of Autumn Boulevard. The reason I can do it in Of Birds and Bees, is because Amy does the mind break completely voluntary, and she will also throughout the game get many chances to stop her own bimbofication.

Also, there is a Male to Female route for Ryan, but that route will not have as much content as the bimbo route. But there will be content for it. And again, its completely voluntary on Ryan's part.

Whats also exciting about the bimbo route this time around, is that its not gonna be mainly just one guy doing stuff with Amy, but its more "open world" if this makes sense. So the route will split in many parts. The reason why I can do it this time around, is because the bimbo route here is completely dissacoiated with the main story.

That is all for now. Tommorrow I will talk about the Liam (BDSM) Route



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