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Here is a picture I am pretty sure Patreon would not like if I put it right on their website xD


So, release dates...

If everything goes according to plan, the Alpha of v0.2 of "Of Birds and Bees" will drop this week (Might be as soon as tonight, we will see). The alpha of v1.1 of "Autumn Boulevard" will drop next week.

Even though the BDSM ending will happen in v1.1, that won't be the end of BDSM content. It will pertain to the Maria Route. I am changing it slightly, you will see how when you play it ^^

Thats all for now, take care!




Not signing up for yet another account... will wait for the update. Love the BDSM route (except for Magna - too gross for me) and wish there were more games with it. Looking forward to both updates! Love your work!