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I have gotten a question or a request for some time now, it pops up now and again. Its not too often, but often enough that it warrants me to answer it.

Will Sylvessa get influenced by Bianka? Will she start to look more like her? Act more like her, and so on?

The short answer to that can be summarized in this dead meme:

As we approach the ending of  Autumn Boulevard, Sylvessa will obviously start to notice something wrong, and there is a bad ending planned. But until that, no.

Mind control is against Patreon's TOS. I respect that, so I made Bianka and Sylvessa separated. Think of Bianka as an artificially created demon (A very horny demon) that is in control of her body, but not her mind. 

If any of you remember "The Nutty Professor" with Eddie Murphy, you kind of get where I am going with it xD

If Sylvessa's mind starts to get taken over by Bianka, as in, Bianka influences Sylvessa's thoughts and mind and so on, that goes into mind control, which is against Patreon's TOS.

Further more, I would require to do specific renders based upon the fact if the player is or is not on the Bimbo route. And I did get a very good idea of some interesting dialogue choices by a Patreon, so I might incorporate that.

Also, in v0.3, you may have noticed some story reasons as to why letting Bianka run free too much might catch Sylvessa's attention and make her a very naughty girl

Conclusion: Sorry, I cannot do it :-/

Also, some of you may wonder where Sylvessa Moonfarer is from, in terms of country.

She was sent to Romania to a private school at the age of fifteen. Where she met Adam, Johannes, Caligula, Maria and the rest of the gang.

Sylvessa's mother is Romany (The people, not the country) and her father is part of the monarchy in a country in Eastern Europe. 

And that country? Ostpreussen, or in English, East Prussia.

That country was completely dissolved in 1948, but it used to be on the Baltic Sea boarder of Poland and the boarder of Lithuania.

Autumn Boulevard is in our world, just in a different timeline. Where the ONLY difference, was that Prussia got its independence after WW2, and became a Capitalist state in the eastern bloc, but not an American Satellit State, since it threw out the Germans without any help from the Allies. 

Similiar to how Yugoslavia became its own Communist state, without the Soviet influence, only that Ostpreussen was Capitalist, not Communist. And they also had their monarchy left.

I was going to put all of this into the game, but it just felt like it would convolute the story even more than it allready is. And take away attention from awesome stuff.

That is all, this is Cody from AlternateHistor- I mean, have a nice day sexi ppl





How many more updates until the game wraps up roughly?


-1 i prefered Sylvessa body and mind, will slow tf more and more like Bianca.