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When it is late, and the world outside the comfort of your glass window is black, do you sometimes see a shape? But when you look closely, there is nothing there?

Then you know The Devil.

When you wake up in the middle of the night, and you feel the weight of somebody else's body next to you, even though you went to sleep alone?

Then you know The Devil.

When there is barely enough sunlight outside, and shadows dance under the trees, and they make a shape like something almost recognizable?

Then you know The Devil.

When you are about to do something you know in your heart to be wrong, something that will inflict suffering on not only on your self, but someone else.

Then The Devil will know you.




What's looking back, it's you. Your dreams and feelings are of your manufacture. Twilight, as we transition between limited vision to rely on hearing is evolutionary frightening. What should be intentionally, truly scary, or informative, is that we are responsible for our actions. Pass it off as The Devil if you like but it's a facile construct of our imagination. That said, I really like and enjoy the horror aspects of your story!