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As I have told some of you, I am working in the retail/fast food industry. Needless to say, the holidays are not easy on us.

I will still work hard for the 0.4 Update, just now that my schedule is pretty bad lol.

This however does give me the unique oppurtunity to work on the game's UI. I am not a big fan of those blue default boxes RPGMAKER has, so I will make custom ones. I will also remake the save menu, and also improve the menu itself.

And also, write each update out so I know what I am doing. I know how this story ends, I just need to write it down so I don't forget plotpoints.

Soooo, I will have some poles soon about the UI itself, aaaannnddd... 

Sylvessa's family crest :3 I need it for the custom asset clothing Sylvessa will receive in a few updates.

I was going to do a contest for it, but realised I might not have enough Patreons atm to do one haha

Buuuut if you are a 2D artist, and would like to make one, feel free to contact me. I can do it myself. I am a good 2D artist (This game was from the start supposed to be in 2D in a drawing style similiar to those Sara's Scribbles strips https://i.pinimg.com/originals/31/b4/09/31b409884f4d5adec1387ed4d2e75f1f.jpg ). 

And the 0.3 Version will be available in a couple of days for +3 Patreons.




I really like the game and can´´'t wait to play 0.4, but in my opinion you should rework the maps before you do the UI.


I had alot of times the problem to walk into the walls or over buildings and walls. Also the triggers for events are alot of times easy to miss. For example if i wanted to go from the bike merchant back to home i only had the bottom field of the three field wide road to enter the next map. It might even be a option to shrink all the maps, so you have less space to fill up. This will let it look alot nicer, because right now there are alot of places where nothing goes on. I hope my criticism wasn´t to harsh and i wish a nice weekend.