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Soo, as you sexy people might remember, Sylvessa is Romany. And in my demo, I included a joke about not saying g******. I thought I would be able to say this word in coming updates, buuut since some ppl have recently been banned from Patreon for saying certain words, I am too worried to include this word in my game.

If you have heard about what happened, whether you agree with it or disagree with it, this is one of the outcomes.

The reason for me bringing this up is not for me to make a statement, its just to give you a headsup that when playing 0.3, you might find it a little jarring when I use the word Romany instead of g****. I would never use the word in a derogatory manner, its just Sylvessas background and ultimately something that gives her strength, and does not weaken her.

Thats all, I will post a story render for +6 patreons soonish.

Sleep well! I have one more shift tommorrow, then I am off for four days. Then we will talk more about release dates and what not :)



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