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Hey everyone,
Been busy cleaning my page and making sure everything is ok with Patreon so my page isn't suspended.

Going forward:
Only content that follows community guidelines will be posted on my page from now on. Underage/Violent content will not be posted anymore. This includes My Waifu's Feet, which contained content violating community guidelines. Sorry for the inconvience, old content will not be posted on this page nor be sent in DMs.

Thanks for understanding and sorry for lack of posts, had to make sure I cleaned up my page and resolved any issues with Patreon.



Classic patreon and their draconian rules. Oh well, what can you do. I assume MWF isn't going to be worked on anymore?


damn so will my waifu's feet be worked on?


Can’t speak for Srun but I saw on there twitter that they are currently working on an update for MWF