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Josh Potatoe

Daaaaamn. This pose is so good. I wish we could see it animated, but I'm sure whatever pose you do end up using will also be great. Also meant to mention on the Pokemon poll, but I'd love to see something with Magmortar and Blaine someday, even if just a sketch. Also, idk if someone requested him or if you just had a personal intetest in him, but seeing Fredo/Pryce on the poll has blown my mind. I have never seen porn of him period, and now I can't stop thinking about how you would sex him up in your style. He doesn't seem that popular, but yeah, if you ever did even just a sketch of him it would be greatly appreciated.


I love how you spread their legs apart. Gorgeous! :) <3

Milky Honey

Hot pussy and milkable tits, he deserves that fuck.