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We need fundraiser ideas and fundraiser help!



Fay K

You could find some artists who wanted to help and through your website set up commissions explaining they might take a few months but people would feel safer buying with you connecting the artists and the person wanting the art. You could even do commissions where you say for one fox a picture is $30 but if you want a pair of foxes it's $50 or $20 + additional foxes (maximum 3/4 foxes). I'm sure that people would preorder the chance for a Jack and Luka or Firefly and Cerby commission, maybe even one of Jagger with Pan and Sophie Just an idea but I know it would take a lot of energy to set it up

Candie Jackson

As aforementioned…I reached out to some of my artist friends…more than I had originally planned…at least 20. Sculptors…felters…jewelry makers…clothing designers…painters..photographers etc..and also a magazine editor. I shared Mikayla’s post she made which she answers most common questions and has all the contacts and ways to contribute. I ran some ideas by these artists…such as auctioning off one of their creations…a raffle etc. I realize time is of essence so it may be difficult for most of these artists to come up with something new…hence my mention to them of auctioning something they have on hand.