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Stevie went home for a trial week with volunteer Russell, her potential adopter, to see how she got along in his house before he finalized adopting her.  

Monday and Tuesday were stressful for everyone, especially Stevie. With plenty of new smells, people, and animals to meet. It was a bit overwhelming at first. But she did very well and quickly got used to the other animals in the house.

By Tuesday night she was trying to play with the other dogs.  Stevie woke Russell up every day, to his delight, at 11 A.M sharp! Which wouldn't be bad if he didn't work nights.  

The only incident they had all week was that Stevie was unused to children. But after being properly introduced to Russell's nephew on Saturday they got along great!  

Sunday Stevie came back to SAF while Russell did his volunteer work, then they both went home. Stopping on the way home to get Stevie some new toys.  

Overall, the week went great!




Will the sheep go with her?

Paula Moura

Such a sweetheart 🥰