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I haven't been spending as much time with the foxes as I would like....by this time of year the cold gloomy days have really gotten to me.
Tired of having to put layers upon layers of snow gear and face covers on, to see the foxes. I'm tired of cold hands...but I will never put my gloves on because how will I pet the foxes and feel connected to them?
Anyways, Emmie has been meeting me on my deck everyday so I don't have to go to her...her visits into my bedroom are pretty short though. She really LOVES to pee everywhere. Happy to have her company though.



Candie Jackson

Why not wear gloves and take them off between foxes. It may be a bit of work but at least your fingers wouldn’t feel like they were falling off before you got to all the foxes. The rest ya just have to tough it out🫤. The warmer temps will be here before you know it. And Emmie 🤔….🚽🦊🧡


I'll loose the gloves to the foxes if I take them off or try to shove them in my pockets


Nice to know Emmie is such a good friend to you. Hang in there, spring is a comin’!👏 🌷🌻