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Reanna wasn’t able to make a

video for us, but please enjoy her written answers below! Video for me and Jenny coming!


- Did Merri, Jenny, and Reanna always want to start their own fox sanctuaries, or is that just a common side effect of working at SAF?

🦊 I was inspired by working with SAF. 

- I want to do a shout out to Reanna, Merri and Jenny. You’re all so great with the questions you get. I appreciate all you do.

- How old were each one of the whole team, when they first met a fox close up? What was it like? Please tell a bit about it. Thank you for your dedication, I love seeing all the animals and humans being happy. The videos always raise the mood. Greetings from Germany 😊

🦊 I was 19 when I first saw a fox up close. It was at a local petting zoo. From that moment I knew I wanted to work with foxes for the rest of my life. Within the next few years that dream came true. 

- What does a fox do when there's no human around?

🦊 My foxes tend to lay around on their toys and beds, and play with their toys and each other. 

- What do foxes smell like? 🦊 Is it really an unbearable smell or do you get used to it?

🦊 Very similar smell to skunk, for me personally the smell is very tolerable. Cleanliness is key, if you let their enclosures and litter boxes get dirty they are going to stink more. Just like anything. 

- For Merri, Jenny and Reanna: How did you become part of the SAF team?

🦊 In 2017 i adopted my first fox from SAF. Later that year I moved from OK to MN to work on site as the animal care taker. 

- How much land/acreage are the sanctuaries on? 

🦊 10 acres available, at clevyr creatures but only about a half acre in use at this time. 

- Does the sex of the fox affect how it bonds with the women compared to how it bonds with men?

🦊 I don’t believe so personally. I have strong bonds with both male and female foxes. I do notice that foxes in general seem to be more skittish toward men as a whole, not specifically male or female.



Candie Jackson

Wow..9.5 acres has a lot of potential for future fox placements at Clevyr Creatures. Thank you for all you do for the foxes Reanna...and thanks for this!!!

Jennifer M

Thank you!!! And a big hug for all you do!!!