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Happy Caturday and sorry for the lack of posts. Merri has been managing SAF in MN as Ethan and I have been working down in Florida at SAF South. Here are some of our feral kitties we are caring for in Florida! There is a program we have been working with where we trap the kittes and they get taken to a shelter and fixed and vaccinated. Then they either get adopted at the shelter if they are friendly enough, or they get released back on our Florida property.

Eventually the plan will to be to contain the cats in a large outdoor cat area. So that we can properly care for them.

The cats with the notched ears have been fixed. No notch ear- we still need to capture and get fixed!




My neighbor in NJ dies the same thing for our feral cats, getting them fixed with the ear notch and then released back to us.

Candie Jackson

For many years I have donated to Allies Cats...which does this ‘snip the tip of the ear’ after fixing and vaccines. They are then released either to where they came from or some place safe...as I last knew. I think it’s great what your doing..it’s like...holy catman Robin🙀...cats will be everywhere😻..so cool