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This winter was extremely cold, and Jasmine, like many skunks, go into a state similar to a raccoon’s ‘torpor’ where they conserve energy on the coldest days by sleeping, and then on those days where it’s above freezing, they eat as much as they can. It’s meant that we’ve not seen the most of her during the cold months, but now spring is here, she’s spending time sleeping in her nest box in Emmie’s yard again, instead of curled up with the grey foxes, Nikita and Dimka.

She was a little irritated I woke her up, but I was very happy to see her about and we couldn’t wait to share with you all too!



Thomas Craig

Wasn't there an old saying, "Let sleeping skunks lie"? I wouldn't want to be too close to a skunk who was woken up after a long nap! (But I know Jasmine is friendly.)

Candie Jackson

And they also took her perfume gland😉😊...so if she were to spray because she were startled..it would just be pretend🙃

Paula Moura

she's really sleepy, so cute 🥰💖🙏🏻🇵🇹🕊🇺🇦