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Over the next few weeks we’ll be doing a profile of all the animals here at SAVEAFOX. We’re starting with Leo and the other Saveafox kitties.

Name: Leo

Nicknames: Bubbasquish, Squishy, Mr Squish, Squishifer

Age: 18 months

Favourite activities: playing with Fergie, smelling like a fox, biting, eating things he shouldn’t, always being hungry, riding on people’s shoulders

How he came to SAF: was found in the ditch just outside the rescue at around 2.5 weeks old

Favourite people: anyone with food, who will cuddle or let him ride on their shoulder

Most common phrases heard: ow, stop biting! Don’t eat that! What have you got in your mouth? Awww cuddles 🥰



Toni Michael

Great idea. I have a siamese named Lovey and she is just like that. Very lovey..but very ornery too. Talks of course and pretty much runs the house. She watchs with me of course...loves her foxes too!

Candie Jackson

Awesome photos!!!😻 Photo three....reaction from other two photos “if you could read my mind”.....😼