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I hope it is so long before I have to write one of these again that I forget how.

We lost our beloved Xerxes last weekend; he some how got out of the cat/fox yard - we think by climbing a tree - and was hit by a car.

To say everyone of us is devastated is an understatement. To be honest I know I am not and I know Mikayla is not really processing it very well, or at all right now. Xerxes was a best friend to so many of us - Schizo, Floof, Emmie, Seffy, Leo, me, Mikayla…..

He was guaranteed to know when you needed a hug, he was the best cuddler, tree climber and breakfast making helper we’ve ever had. He was an incredible adventure cat and loved his harness and was a fearless tree climber.

The house, the yard are so empty, so quiet without him. To us humans who love him so, it’s like he’s just out of sight and will come running and chirping to us any moment, but that moment never comes.

Schizo is taking his loss hardest of all Xerxes’s animal family and we are doing everything we can to help him.

Please take a moment today to think of Xerxes, our little Bubbasquash, with us. Our hearts are in pieces.

