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This time, with a rather lovely picture of Finn as he goes on his nightly walk!




I know you must be careful of traffic but do any motorists stop to admire Mr Finnegan? Are they not surprised because of the rescue closeby, assuming there is a road sign for it? I am not much for walking these days but for Finn, I would make an exception! I do hate people who don't walk their dogs but drag them along or run them and don't give them the opportunity to smell out certain spots and leave their calling card. It is a social activity as well as exercise!


Along that line, there is a lady named Joan who I see on most days walking her small dog, most likely a shih tzu. The lady is in her 80's and is using her walker as well as taking puppy on a long leash. When Joan is tired, she will sit down for a few minutes on the walker seat while doggy sniffs around and then they do the home stretch. I found out her name because it is her custom to stop every Friday evening at a local pizzeria for a chat and free treats for her and the woofie!