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Agatha’s meds are working exactly as we’d hoped and her kidney function is even better than it was! Go Agatha!

As you may or may not know, our sweet Agatha is 19 years young and suffers from hyperthyroidism. Today was her first check up after her diagnosis and were hoping that she is stable and that her medication is at therapeutic levels - meaning it’s working.

Her weight is great, she had a full work up so we will update this post with the blood test results 🤞🏻




I lost Millie in February, at 15 years of age, to kidney failure. It is a tricky disease and has to be monitored closely. I miss her so much but am also grateful for each day we had, especially as seniors! Agatha is a testament to being a beautiful lady of age, who also seems to like very close-up pictures! Rock on, Miss Agatha!!! xxxx


She’s such a sweet little kitty. Bless you all for giving her a happy old age.